Pairing Wine with Thai Cuisine

No meal is complete without a refreshing cocktail or glass of wine to enjoy and pair. In this blog, we’ll be diving into the wonderful world of a fantastic white wine that is known to pair well with Thai food: meet the Sauvignon Blanc.

Sauvignon Blanc, a wine known for its vibrant acidity, tantalizing aromas, and refreshing flavors, is a favorite among white wine enthusiasts and Thai food connoisseurs. Known for its versatility and distinctive character, this wine offers a wide range of flavors influenced by its various styles and regions, like a Sancerre, Touraine, New Zealand, or California appellation.

The Sauvignon Blanc grape originates from the Bordeaux region of France, with historical evidence suggesting its cultivation dates back to the 1700’s. The name “Sauvignon” comes from the French words “sauvage” (wild) and “vigne” (vine), highlighting its early reputation as a resilient and strong vining plant in the wilderness.

While Bordeaux was its initial home, the Loire Valley brought Sauvignon Blanc into the spotlight on a global stage, notably from the esteemed appellations of Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé. These regions are known and revered for producing some of the finest expressions of Sauvignon Blanc, celebrated for their minerality, crisp acidity, and elegant herbal notes.

The citrus and acidity found in this wine pairs incredibly well with the spicy Thai chili flavors, the herbal notes that meld with the soft notes of coconut, and the minerality that adds a base layer of flavor to settle lime, that makes Sauvignon Blanc the perfect pair to the flavors of Thai food.

Tasting Notes

  • Aromas: A bouquet of citrus fruits (lemon, lime, grapefruit), green apple, gooseberry, and tropical fruits like passionfruit and mango. Herbal notes of fresh-cut grass, green bell pepper, and mint are also common.
  • Flavors: On the palate, Sauvignon Blanc is typically dry and light to medium-bodied. The flavor profile includes zesty citrus, green fruits, and often a distinctive minerality or salinity

Sauvignon Blanc’s bright acidity and fresh flavors make it a versatile partner for many dishes:

  • Seafood: shrimp, papaya salad, and salmon dishes. The wine’s acidity cuts through the richness of seafood, enhancing its flavors.
  • Vegetables: Asparagus, green beans, and salads with vinaigrette dressing harmonize well with the wine’s herbal and citrus notes.
  • Spicy Cuisine: Sauvignon Blanc can stand up to the heat in dishes like our Thai green curry, providing a cooling contrast to the spice.

Sauvignon Blanc is a wine that continually excites and delights, offering a spectrum of styles and flavors to explore. Whether you prefer the mineral-driven elegance of French Sancerre, the tropical exuberance of New Zealand’s Marlborough, or the diverse expressions from regions like California and South Africa, there’s a Sauvignon Blanc out there for every palate. So, uncork a bottle and savor the vibrant, refreshing experience that is Sauvignon Blanc at 26 Thai soon. Cheers!

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